Frygt for tilbagefald
Fear of relapse
Konsultation på Rigshospitalet.
Det har været et psykisk pres siden nov. 2021, at urinprøver viste tegn på blærebetændelse. Jeg har på intet tidspunkt mærket noget som helst. Lægen havde mistanke om, at jeg måske ikke tømte blæren helt, og der derfor opstod betændelse.
Kikkertundersøgelse af urinrøret viste, at hullet til urinblæren var så lille, at kikkerten ikke kunne føres ind. Urologen henviste mig til Rigshospitalet.
Jeg blev ultralydsscannet, og det viste sig, at jeg tømte blæren helt normalt.
Infektionstallet var så lille, at der ikke var grund til yderligere behandling eller indgreb.
Jeg var utrolig lettet og glad. Frygten for tilbagefald lurer altid.
It has been a psychological pressure since Nov. 2021 that urine samples have shown signs of bladder inflammation. I have never felt anything . My doctor suspected that I might not have emptied the bladder completely and therefore there was inflammation.
Binocular examination of the urethra showed that the hole for the bladder was so small that the binoculars could not be inserted. The urologist referred me to Rigshospitalet.
I was ultrasound scanned and it turned out that I emptied the bladder completely normally. The number og infections was so small that there was no need for further treatment or intervention.
I was incredibly relieved and happy. The fear of relapse always lurks.
Mit PSA tal var steget fra 0,5 til 0,8, da jeg var til 6 mdr. konsultation. Jeg har heldigvis på intet tidspunkt mærket nogen fysisk helbredsforandring, hvilket samtalen mest gik på.
Mht. inkontinens pga. bortopereret lukkemuskel, er situationen også uændret.
Næste blodprøvetagning og konsultation aftalt til dec. 2022.
My PSA figure had increased from 0,5 to 0,8 at the 6 moths consultation.
I have at no time, fortunately experienced any change of physical health, which the conversation mostly focused on.
Regarding incontinence due to surgically removed sphincter, the situation is also unchanged.
The next blood test and consultation arranged for Dec. 2022
Efter konsultationen i juni, fortsatte jeg desværre med svingende psykisk tilstand. Kemien følger desværre ikke intellektet, og min læge tilrådede, at jeg skulle tage antidepressiv medicin konstant, for at få balance og ro på, så angsten ikke skulle påvirke mig så voldsomt.
Alder og udbredt slidgigt påvirker også min dagligdag, og livskvalitet. Men jeg klarer mig, lever, og er også taknemmelig for det sociale liv jeg orker.
After the consultation in June, I unfortunately continued with a fluctuating mental state.
Chemistry unfortunately does not follow the intellect and my doctor advised that I should take anti-depressant medication constantly to gain balance and calmness so that the anxiety would not affect me so violently.
Age and widespread osteoarthritis also affect my daily life and quality of life. But I manage, live and l am also grateful for the social life I can endure.
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